Thursday, 17 February 2022 10:34

Anaerobic Digestion Foam Control in Biogas Plants

Biogas Anaerobic Digester Foam Control with Hycontrol

The worldwide growing Anaerobic Digestion (AD) and Biogas sector faces a massive problem while converting organic waste to biogas: Foam. Excess foaming generated in the AD process can reduce gas production by up to 40% and cause huge damages.

Excess foam can damage gas compressors, block safety valves, and even rupture entire digesters, leading to months of downtime and repairs that can cost tens of thousands. As a consequence of this risk, rising insurance costs are also a significant concern for the industry. Besides the financial implications, there is also the issue of serious pollution, damage to reputation and potential revoking of permits as a result of a severe incident.

adfoam2The challenge, therefore, is to maintain foam at the optimum production level with correctly-applied chemicals, liquids, or by other control methods - maximising the digestion process whilst reducing any risk. Previous attempts at utilising conventional level monitoring equipment to achieve this have failed; however, the application of specialised technology has proven highly successful.

SuresenseHycontrol's foam control technology offers a practical solution to all of the above AD & biogas issues, reducing both risk and costs. Foam can be measured and controlled using the new SureSense+ system to administer the preferred control method (for example, by reactively dosing the correct amount of anti-foam chemicals). This technology keeps digesters operating at an optimum level, preventing damage to both equipment and vessels and eliminating the risk of pollution. Additionally, it can improve efficiency (and cost-effectiveness) if using anti-foam, as well as improving a site's insurance ratings by demonstrating effective control.

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